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Listy filologické. (Folia philologica.) Palaeobohemica Immanueli Michálek septuagenario oblata. Supplementum II. Ed. Ústav pro klasická studia ČSAV, Praha 1992, 176 pp. Ediderunt: Alena Hadravová–Dohnalová, Helena Kurzová, Petr Nejedlý, Jaroslava Pečírková. Consiliorum administer: Igor Němec.


The commemorative volume Palaeobohemica is dedicated to the 70th birthday of a prominent expert in Czech historical lexicology and lexicography, scientific editor of the Old Czech Dictionary,


Emanuel Michálek.


The commemorative volume attemps to cover the wide range of his scientific interests. Therefore it presents contributions concerning not only the development of Czech vocabulary, comeniology, biblical studies, slavonic linguistics, etymology, onomastics, but also medieval latin philology, historical semantics and history of material and spiritual culture. Among the national and several international contributors belong Zoe Hauptová, Milan Kopecký, Helena Kurzová, Ivan Lutterer, Josef Macek, Igor Němec, Janusz Siatkowski, Anežka Vidmanová, Josef Vintr.

Slovo a slovesnost, volume 54 (1993), number 4, p. 270

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